While I love reading blogs, I haven't attempted to start my own. However, with the growth of our family to five children, I feel the need to document my life to remember these moments with our family.
I have 4 kids, and in one month, I will be the mother of five children! Wow! That is amazing to say. Five children! While I don't feel I have fully adjusted to being a mother of four, I am ready to welcome this girlie into our home. We are excited to meet her.
Morgan is 8, and in the 3rd grade. Gavin is 7, and is in 1st grade. Reagan is 4, and in preschool. Austin is 2, and hangs with me most of the time.
I am also married to a wonderful guy. He is a great dad. He takes great care of us all, and works so hard so I can be home with my froggies. I love him.
Well, here we go!