The kids started back to school this week. It's a happy and sad time for Mom. One the one hand, summer was getting boring and the pestering had started. On the other hand, it is hard to send your kids off for the majority of the day. It's sad to realize they are spending more time with teachers and peers than you and the family. You hope the world is kind to your kids. You hope your kids are ready for the world.
Morgan is starting 4th grade.
Gavin will be a 2nd grader.
Luckily, I have one more week before Reagan starts Kindergarten. She went to her screening this week. I was shocked by how much more vigorous the screening has become since Morgan and Gavin were in K. I prepared her by telling her the teacher would ask her to count, her colors, her shapes, some letters, etc. It was ALL the letters, ALL the sounds, writing, reading, repeating sentences, counting, addition, and subtraction. Whew! Kindergarten is definitely NOT like the kindergarten I went to 25 years ago! Remember snacks and nap time? Remember dress-ups and the playground? I'm sad that Reagan won't get that. But she is ready and excited to learn.
Have a great year kids!
They are so cute! AJ starts kindergarten in just a few weeks and we register him this week. I'm not sure who is more excited, although I'm sure I'll cry a little bit for a few days.
WOW. those 2 have just SHOT UP!!! Gorgeous as always. I can't believe our babies are soooo big!!! xoxoxo to you all!
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