Here's the kids on Halloween. We were in Ft. Collins for the holiday. Their cousin was baptized the next morning. The kids really enjoyed trick or treating with their cousins. The weather was so nice this year, no coats or jackets! Yippeee!

Morgan - The Great Sphinx of Giza
Morgan - The Great Sphinx of Giza
Camryn - Kitty
This year, we didn't carve pumpkins. However, we did unintentionally grow a nice, big pumpkin in our garden. Although it wasn't a baking pumpkin, I cooked it up and have made pumpkin muffins and a pumpkin pie with it. I think I got about 16 cups of pumpkin from it! When I questioned what I would do with it all, Sterling said to throw the rest out. He didn't want me to freeze it, but after going through all the cutting, baking, scraping, and mashing...well it was pumpkin GOLD to me. Plus, I still need to make pumpkin bars and pumpkin pancakes.
Austin looks hilarious.
I LOVE pumpkin in the fall. I can't tell you how many loaves of pumpkin bread I made this season. You even got to have some of it. Don't listen to Sterling. He's a big pumpkin head! (Don't tell him I said that.)
Cute costumes!! I Especially love Austin's. I want Hayden to be that next year.
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