Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Little Pirate

My parents came to visit last week. They had a great time with the kids and finding everything they say so hilarious. Here's a funny with my dad and Austin.

Austin can't say his *R* sounds very well, so it comes out like *AY*. So he was telling my dad something about a *chay*, which my dad didn't understand. Once he finally figured it out he said:

Dad - Oh, chair! You have to say that word like a pirate with an ARRRRR sound on it. Can you say that? CHAI-ARRR? Try to say that, Chairrrr.

Austin - It's not a pirate chair.


Science Teacher Mommy said...

Kids are so literal. And how cute of your dad to try to teach him in a way he thought he would relate to.

Jeni Allen said...

That's so cute. Austin is adorable!

Kathleen said...
