Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to School - Part 2

My little Reagan started Kindergarten last week. I can't believe my third child has begun school! She loves it! She is in the afternoon class with Ms. Pacheco.

So I walk her with the two little ones, the school is just a 10 minutes away from the house. Then, she walks home with the older two after school. On the first day, I asked her if she wanted me to pick her up or walk home with Morgan and Gavin. She was all ready to be a big kid and go with her sibs.

Off she goes! Have a great year Miss Reagie!
When we returned home, Austin asked if he was going to his school now. When I told him he wasn't, he threw himself down on the ground and cried and cried. Poor guy. He will begin a "home preshool" next week with 5 other kids from our church and nearby wards. Each mom will switch off teaching each week (2 times a week). I think he will enjoy it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww. she's getting soooo big. her hair is darkening up a bit, huh? i luv the pix w/ the 3 babies. Looks like Cami adores her big bubba Austin!